The books are being ordered and will be placed in the studio for all students to access.They are a series of broad reference texts to be used of one's own accord For the purpose of equal access, the books should reamain in the studio.
A collection of short articles and excerpts from larger texts, all in PDF format. These are meant as condensed and specific readings that one should read. We plan to set out one day in mid-to-late April for a class discussion of these texts.
Junkspace Rem Koolhaas
Made in Tokyo: Introduction Atelier Bow Wow
A Conversation with Jacques Herzog Jeffrey
Kipnis and Jacques Herzog
Ten Points on an Architecture of Regionalism Kenneth Frampton
The Generic City Rem Koolhaas
Structure,Construction, Tectonics Eduard F. Sekler
2 Articles feat. Valerio Olgiati from A+U Magazine